The start of the school year has kept us in a constant state of hyper-activity. I’ve been so busy that I completely missed the one-year anniversary of this blog which happened the other day. Hip hip, hooray! Yes, it’s true. On September 14, 2007, the first post went up with absolutely NO fanfare.
Some stats since that fateful day:
Total posts, 142 (one every 2.5 days, not bad)
Total categories, 11 (I don’t know why I use these, but they’re there)
Total comments, 13 (can you pick this up a little?)
I’ve added Google analytics to the site so I can keep track of the handful of visitors that wander by. For instance, I know that in the last month there were 14 visits by 8 visitors and they spent an average of 2 minutes 15 seconds on the site. One visitor was from Canada while the rest were from the US. Eleven used Firefox as their browser while 3 were using Internet Explorer. None had a screen resolution below 1024×768. One was on a Mac, the rest were running Windows.
Thank you WordPress. From the mundane to the exceptional, you make it easy to share the happenings of the Schommer family.
If someone made it more SIMPLE to leave a comment, maybe people WOULD leave a comment. I shall comment today since I figured out HOW today. I shall forget later.