The day of reckoning has arrived. Relocation decision forms are due on January 15, 2016.
Today (a full day early, mind you) I submitted my form to HR indicating that I will not be relocating to the greater Chicago area. We wanted to give the offer a fair shot, we did our due diligence, but in the end it wasn’t a move that made sense for us right now. There are a lot of little reasons (Bears fans, Cubs fans, Illinois in general), and some not-so-little reasons (housing, commuting, Monica’s job) for staying where we are in Sun Prairie. The scales just didn’t side in favor of moving.
My last day in the office is said to be June 24, 2016.
And so the next chapter will begin. I can only imagine the cacophony of emotions you’re experiencing, but I do know one thing: you’re gonna be great!